7.1 Per diems


7.1 Per diems | Portugal


7.1ÌýÌýÌýÌý Per diems

Travelling workers have the right to have their travel, accommodation and meal expenses paid by the employer, as provided for in Labour Code, Art 194, para 4, which states that 'the employer must cover the worker's expenses arising from the increase in travel and change of residence costs or, in the case of a temporary transfer, accommodation'.

However, in the case of the so-called per diem allowances (ajudas de custo), these are only mandatorily established for the civil service.

In the private sector, the reference amounts are usually the ones from the civil service, which are merely indicative, but which many private companies follow.

A per diem allowance is a supplement to a worker's base salary, which is only granted when the worker needs to travel during working hours

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