Legal News

Bridging the pay gap

Published on: 24 February 2016

Table of contents

  • Original news
  • What are the key proposals in this area?
  • The gender bonus gap on a mean basis
  • The proportion of men and women receiving a bonus
  • Salary quartile information
  • What is the rationale behind the proposals? Are these proposals likely to achieve those objectives?
  • What would the introduction of these proposals mean on a practical level? Could there be any challenges or difficulties in implementing them?
  • What does all this mean for lawyers and their clients? What should they do next?
  • How does this fit in with other developments in this area?

Article summary

Employment analysis: What is the thinking behind the government’s push for the publication of data on the gender pay gap? Amanda Steadman, professional support lawyer at Addleshaw Goddard LLP, considers the government’s goal to close the UK’s gender pay gap within a generation and what the plan means for employers and employees.

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