Interim remedies in support of arbitration in Qatar

Produced in partnership with Matthew Walker (Partner) and Burak Eryigit (Senior Associate) of K&L Gates Doha, Qatar
Practice notes

Interim remedies in support of arbitration in Qatar

Produced in partnership with Matthew Walker (Partner) and Burak Eryigit (Senior Associate) of K&L Gates Doha, Qatar

Practice notes

For an introduction to Arbitration in Qatar, see Practice Note: Arbitration in Qatar—an introduction.

Interim relief—the tribunal's powers to grant interim remedies

Qatar Law No. 2/2017 promulgating the Civil and Commercial arbitration Law (the ‘ Qatari Arbitration Law’) governs arbitral tribunals’ ability to issue provisional measures or interim awards.

The previous arbitration legislation contained in Articles 190–210 of Qatar Law No. 13/1990 promulgating the Civil and Commercial Procedure Law (CCPL) did not include express provision for arbitral tribunals to issue provisional or conservatory measures or interim awards. However, the Qatari Arbitration Law provides arbitral tribunals with the full authority to issue provisional measures or interim awards that are dictated by the nature of dispute or for the purpose of preventing irreparable harm. Such provisional measures or interim awards include but not limited to the following measures:

  1. •

    maintaining or restoring the status quo pending determination of the dispute

  2. •

    adopting a measure to prevent the occurrence of current or imminent damage, or that would prejudice

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Key definition:
Arbitration definition
What does Arbitration mean?

Generally, a private form of final and binding dispute resolution by an appointed arbitral tribunal acting in a quasi-judicial manner. Arbitration is, generally, founded on party agreement (the arbitration agreement), and regulated and enforced by national courts.

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