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Potential date for Spring Statement 2022

The Chancellor of the Exchequer has commissioned the Office for Budget Responsibility to produce an economic and fiscal forecast for Wednesday 23 March 2022.

07 Jan 2022 00:00 | Published by a Tolley Corporation Tax expert

HMRC Stakeholder Digest: 22 December 2021

The CIOT has published the latest HMRC Stakeholder Digest (22 December 2021) which provides a round-up of the latest news and updates.

06 Jan 2022 00:00 | Published by a Tolley Corporation Tax expert

Statutory Sick Pay: SI 2022/5 and SI 2022/9

SI 2022/5 The Statutory Sick Pay (Coronavirus) (Funding of Employers’ Liabilities) Regulations 2022 and SI 2022/9 The Statutory Sick Pay (Coronavirus) (Funding of Employers’ Liabilities) (Northern Ireland) Regulations 2022 provide for the reintroduction the Coronavirus Statutory Sick Pay Rebate Scheme (SSPRS) from 21 December 2021.

06 Jan 2022 00:00 | Published by a Tolley Employment Tax expert

Commission proposes to end the misuse of shell entities for tax purposes within the EU

The European Commission has presented proposal of a Directive laying down rules to prevent the misuse of shell entities for tax purposes.

05 Jan 2022 00:00 | Published by a Tolley Corporation Tax expert

Commission proposes swift transposition of the international agreement on minimum taxation of multinationals

The European Commission has proposed a Directive ensuring a minimum effective tax rate for the global activities of large multinational groups.

05 Jan 2022 00:00 | Published by a Tolley Corporation Tax expert

Tax news roundup: New Year 2022

In the ever-fast-moving world of tax announcements and developments, this news pulls together some of the key changes announced between 23 December 2021 to 4 January 2022. Our commentary will be updated in due course to reflect these latest developments.

04 Jan 2022 00:00 | Published by a Tolley Corporation Tax expert

Updated HMRC toolkit: Capital versus revenue expenditure toolkit

HMRC has updated its Capital versus revenue expenditure toolkit for 2020-21.

22 Dec 2021 00:00 | Published by a Tolley Corporation Tax expert

Government announces COVID-19 support package for businesses in the UK

The Chancellor has announced additional support for businesses impacted by the Omicron variant.

21 Dec 2021 00:00 | Published by a Tolley Corporation Tax expert

Updated HMRC guidance on Making Tax Digital for Income Tax

HMRC has updated its Making Tax Digital (MTD) guidance pages to add information in relation to submitting quarterly updates of business income and expenses.

21 Dec 2021 00:00 | Published by a Tolley Employment Tax expert

Scotland’s Framework for Tax 2021

The Scottish Government has published the outcomes of its consultation on its overarching approach to tax policy, alongside Scotland’s first Framework for Tax, which sets out the principles and strategic objectives that underpin the Scottish Approach to Taxation.

21 Dec 2021 00:00 | Published by a Tolley Employment Tax expert

LBTT: Additional Dwelling Supplement: call for evidence and views

The Scottish Government has launched a consultation seeking the public’s views on the operation of the Land and Buildings Transaction Tax (LBTT) Additional Dwelling Supplement (ADS). This will be the first stage in the review of the ADS announced in the 2021-22 Programme for Government.

21 Dec 2021 00:00 | Published by a Tolley Owner-Managed Businesses expert

CC/FS14: Compliance checks: managing serious defaulters

HMRC has rewritten its factsheet on managing serious defaulters.

20 Dec 2021 00:00 | Published by a Tolley Corporation Tax expert

HMRC late payment interest rates to be revised after Bank of England increases base rate

HMRC interest rates for late payments will be revised following the Bank of England interest rate rise to 0.25% from 0.1%.

20 Dec 2021 00:00 | Published by a Tolley Corporation Tax expert

Weekly roundup of HMRC manual changes: 20 December 2021

20 Decemebr 2021 - This roundup sets out the most important changes to HMRC manuals over the past week as curated by our editors.

20 Dec 2021 00:00 | Published by a Tolley Corporation Tax expert

Updated HMRC guidance on completing a stock transfer form

HMRC has updated its guidance on completing a stock transfer form where the chargeable consideration is calculated by reference to another document.

20 Dec 2021 00:00 | Published by a Tolley Owner-Managed Businesses expert

OTS everyday tax evaluation paper

The Office of Tax Simplification (OTS) has published an evaluation update paper following its reviews ‘Simplifying everyday tax for smaller businesses’ and â€˜Taxation and Life Events: Simplifying tax for individuals’.

17 Dec 2021 00:00 | Published by a Tolley Corporation Tax expert

Draft regulations: derivatives used to hedge foreign exchange risks in share transactions

HMRC has launched a technical consultation on draft regulations which will extend the scope of the ‘Disregard Regulations’ to cover derivative contracts which act as a hedge of a foreign exchange risk in relation to an anticipated future acquisition or disposal of a substantial shareholding.

17 Dec 2021 00:00 | Published by a Tolley Employment Tax expert

Updated CJRS guidance: correcting errors

HMRC has updated its Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme guidance to cover how employers should deal with underpayments to employees that come to light when filing the tax return, and offsetting overclaimed amounts against underclaims for other employees in the same claim period.

17 Dec 2021 00:00 | Published by a Tolley Employment Tax expert

Updated HMRC toolkits (2021)

HMRC has updated its capital gains tax for land and buildings, capital gains tax for shares, income tax losses, capital gains tax for trusts and estates supplementary, trusts and estates, National Insurance contributions and statutory payments, Chargeable gains for companies', Expenses and benefits from employment toolkits for 2020/21 and Property rental toolkit.

16 Dec 2021 00:00 | Published by a Tolley Employment Tax expert

SI 2021/1447 The Double Taxation Relief and International Tax Enforcement (Taiwan) Order 2021

The UK has agreed a protocol to the existing double taxation agreement with Taiwan (SI 2002/3137 (‘the Agreement’)). The protocol is set out in The Double Taxation Relief and International Tax Enforcement (Taiwan) Order 2021, SI 2021/1447.

16 Dec 2021 00:00 | Published by a Tolley Corporation Tax expert

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