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Weekly Roundup HMRC Manuals: 29 July 2024

29 July 2024 - This roundup sets out the most important changes to HMRC manuals over the past week as curated by our editors

29 Jul 2024 00:00 | Published by a Tolley Corporation Tax expert

Autumn Budget date announced

The Autumn Budget will be on 30 October 2024. The Government has also published some tax documents.

29 Jul 2024 00:00 | Published by a Tolley Corporation Tax expert

OECD publishes tax reports

The OECD has published reports on ‘Bringing tax transparency to cryptoassets’, ‘Beneficial ownership and tax transparency – implementation and remaining challenges’, ‘Taxation and inequality’, and ‘Strengthening International Tax transparency on real estate – from concept to reality’.

26 Jul 2024 00:00 | Published by a Tolley Corporation Tax expert

ATT discuss priorities for the tax system with the Exchequer Secretary to the Treasury

The Association of Taxation Technicians (ATT) has met with James Murray MP, the Exchequer Secretary to the Treasury, to discuss priorities for reforms to the tax system and how it can support economic growth.

25 Jul 2024 00:00 | Published by a Tolley Corporation Tax expert

New guidance on the publication of decisions in the Upper Tribunal (Tax and Chancery Chamber)

New guidance has been issued as to when substantive, interlocutory and permission to appeal decisions of the Upper Tribunal (Tax and Chancery Chamber) will and will not be published.

24 Jul 2024 00:00 | Published by a Tolley Corporation Tax expert

Weekly Roundup HMRC Manuals: 22 July 2024

22 July 2024 - This roundup sets out the most important changes to HMRC manuals over the past week as curated by our editors

22 Jul 2024 00:00 | Published by a Tolley Corporation Tax expert

Updated HMRC guidance on Pillar 2

HMRC has updated its recently published guidance on Pillar 2 to reflect the latest timelines on how to register.

22 Jul 2024 00:00 | Published by a Tolley Corporation Tax expert

Budget Responsibility Bill published

The UK government has published a new Bill designed to ensure that announcements of ‘fiscally significant measures’ are subject to an independent assessment from the OBR.

19 Jul 2024 00:00 | Published by a Tolley Corporation Tax expert

Agent update: Issue 121

HMRC has published Agent Update issue 121 (17 July 2024) providing a round-up of recent developments and changes to legislation and allowances relating to UK tax for tax agents and advisers.

18 Jul 2024 00:00 | Published by a Tolley Corporation Tax expert

King’s Speech 2024: highlights

Opening the 2024–25 Parliamentary session on 17 July 2024, the King’s Speech set out the UK Government's legislative priorities.

17 Jul 2024 00:00 | Published by a Tolley Corporation Tax expert

CIOT letter to the new Exchequer Secretary to the Treasury

The CIOT has written to the new Exchequer Secretary to the Treasury, James Murray MP, regarding tax issues for the new government.

17 Jul 2024 00:00 | Published by a Tolley Corporation Tax expert

Weekly Roundup HMRC Manuals: 15 July 2024

15 July 2024 - This roundup sets out the most important changes to HMRC manuals over the past week as curated by our editors

15 Jul 2024 00:00 | Published by a Tolley Corporation Tax expert

New HMRC guidance on Multinational Top-up Tax and the Domestic Top-up Tax

HMRC has published new guidance on Multinational Top-up Tax and the Domestic Top-up Tax.

11 Jul 2024 00:00 | Published by a Tolley Corporation Tax expert

Weekly Roundup HMRC Manuals: 8 July 2024

8 July 2024 - This roundup sets out the most important changes to HMRC manuals over the past week as curated by our editors

08 Jul 2024 00:00 | Published by a Tolley Corporation Tax expert

Weekly Roundup HMRC Manuals: 1 July 2024

1 July 2024 - This roundup sets out the most important changes to HMRC manuals over the past week as curated by our editors

01 Jul 2024 00:00 | Published by a Tolley Corporation Tax expert

Algeria signs BEPS Convention

Algeria has signed the Multilateral Convention to Implement Tax Treaty Related Measures to Prevent Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (the BEPS Convention).

28 Jun 2024 00:00 | Published by a Tolley Corporation Tax expert

Weekly Roundup HMRC Manuals: 24 June 2024

24 June 2024 - This roundup sets out the most important changes to HMRC manuals over the past week as curated by our editors

24 Jun 2024 00:00 | Published by a Tolley Corporation Tax expert

Inclusive Framework on BEPS taking further steps on the implementation of the Two-Pillar Solution

The OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework on BEPS (Inclusive Framework) released supplementary elements relating to the report on Amount B of Pillar One and guidance to ensure consistent implementation and application of the global minimum tax under Pillar Two.

18 Jun 2024 00:00 | Published by a Tolley Corporation Tax expert

Weekly Roundup HMRC Manuals: 18 June 2024

18 June 2024 - This roundup sets out the most important changes to HMRC manuals over the past week as curated by our editors

18 Jun 2024 00:00 | Published by a Tolley Corporation Tax expert

CIOT response: Improving the effectiveness of the Money Laundering Regulations

The CIOT has published its response to the HMT consultation on improving the effectiveness of the Money Laundering Regulations.

10 Jun 2024 00:00 | Published by a Tolley Corporation Tax expert

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