
Trusts for bereaved minors

Produced by a Tolley Trusts and Inheritance Tax expert
Trusts and Inheritance Tax

Trusts for bereaved minors

Produced by a Tolley Trusts and Inheritance Tax expert
Trusts and Inheritance Tax

What is a trust for a bereaved minor?

The special category of โ€˜trusts for bereaved minorsโ€™ (TBM) (sometimes called โ€˜bereaved minorโ€™s trustsโ€™ (BMT)) was introduced by Finance Act 2006 to provide IHT concessions for trusts in favour of children with a deceased parent. Before 22 March 2006, such trusts would have been included within the more wide-ranging accumulation and maintenance (A&M) regime, but no new A&M trusts can be created after that date (at least not with favourable IHT treatment). See the Accumulation and maintenance trusts guidance note. TBMs have a more limited application. Except in rare circumstances explained below, they are created on the death of a parent for the benefit of his or her minor children.

Typically, trustees have the power to accumulate income and to apply capital for the benefit of the beneficiary. Therefore, they are of a discretionary nature, although it is also possible for TBM beneficiaries to have an interest in possession.


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