
Calculation of exit charge before 18 November 2015

Produced by a Tolley Trusts and Inheritance Tax expert
Trusts and Inheritance Tax

Calculation of exit charge before 18 November 2015

Produced by a Tolley Trusts and Inheritance Tax expert
Trusts and Inheritance Tax

When trust property ceases to be relevant property, it becomes subject to a charge to inheritance tax. This charge is known as either:

  1. โ€ข

    the exit charge

  2. โ€ข

    the proportionate charge

IHTA 1984, s 65

This guidance note illustrates the method of calculating an exit charge when the occasion of charge, ie the date of the beneficiaryโ€™s entitlement, was before 18 November 2015. Changes to the elements of the calculation were introduced by F(No 2)A 2015, s 11. General commentary on the calculation of the exit charge is provided in the Exit charge guidance note, which also illustrates the most recent amendments. This guidance note provides:

  1. โ€ข

    a summary of the changes

  2. โ€ข

    a description of the old style calculation

Summary of the changes

HMRC undertook a series of consultations in the period

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