Multiple supplies ― output tax apportionment

Produced by a Tolley Value Added Tax expert
Value Added Tax

Multiple supplies ― output tax apportionment

Produced by a Tolley Value Added Tax expert
Value Added Tax

This guidance note should be read in conjunction with the Single or multiple supplies ― overview, Single or multiple supplies ― indicators that it is a single or multiple supply and Single or multiple supplies ― other considerations guidance notes.

What is output tax apportionment?

Output tax apportionment is relevant to businesses that sell goods or services with different VAT liabilities in a package or bundle for a single price. For example, a business may sell a zero-rated cold takeaway sandwich and a standard-rated drink for a single VAT-inclusive price. In such situations, it is necessary to calculate the amount of VAT to account for the supply on a fair and reasonable basis using an appropriate method of output tax apportionment.

Output tax apportionment is particularly relevant to retailers and other businesses that sell items with different VAT liabilities to consumers. Such businesses may offer items for sale in a package or bundle, often at a price that is less than total price that would be charged if a customer bought all of the

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