Enterprise management incentive schemes

Produced by a Tolley Personal Tax expert
Personal Tax

Enterprise management incentive schemes

Produced by a Tolley Personal Tax expert
Personal Tax

What is an enterprise management incentive (EMI) scheme?

The enterprise management incentive (EMI) scheme is a tax-advantaged share option employee incentive scheme aimed at small entrepreneurial companies that meet certain conditions. It is designed to assist such companies in recruiting and retaining high quality employees.

The scheme offers attractive opportunities for equity participation by employees in recognition of the fact that smaller companies may not be able to match salary levels paid elsewhere. The EMI scheme is also flexible enough to allow for the options to be geared to future capital growth and performance targets. So long as the options remain qualifying for EMI status throughout the period of ownership, the employee should be able to take advantage of income tax and national insurance reliefs.

Note that although state aid approval for EMI schemes expired on 6 April 2018 and was only renewed by the European Commission on 15 May 2018, EMI options granted in the intervening period are treated as qualifying EMI options.

The European Commission originally extended state aid approval for EMI schemes until

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