Clubs and associations

Produced by a Tolley Value Added Tax expert
Value Added Tax

Clubs and associations

Produced by a Tolley Value Added Tax expert
Value Added Tax

This guidance note provides an overview of the main VAT treatment of supplies made by clubs and associations.

Broadly speaking there are three types of ‘clubs and associations’ which are:

  1. •

    organisations that are non-profit making trade union, professional or representative bodies that make supplies to its members that are referable to its aims and available without payment other than a membership subscription

  2. •

    non-profit making bodies with objects which are in the public domain and are of a political, religious, patriotic, philosophical or philanthropic nature

  3. •

    club, association or organisation that provides facilities or advantages to its members in return for a subscription or other consideration

The VAT treatment of supplies made by these organisations is outlined below.

Business and non-business activities

Most clubs and associations make business and non-business supplies as part of their overall activities. This section provides an overview of the typical types of activities (these lists are not exhaustive).

Business activities

These include:

  1. •

    providing specified benefits to members in exchange for the membership subscription

  2. •

    providing additional benefits in exchange

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