Mithani: Directors' Disqualification

Publisher: LNUK

Mithani: Directors' Disqualification gives readers the entire law and procedure relating to the disqualification of company directors and is the only work to provide a full explanation of the complex rules that have developed under the Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986.

Published: 09 December, 1998

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In Stock ISBN: 9780406904980

Why should you buy Mithani: Directors' Disqualification

The unparalleled authority on directors' disqualification, Mithani has, together with a team of expert practitioners and academics, produced the definitive work on the law relating to disqualification.

Available in looseleaf format, Mithani: Directors' Disqualification gives readers the entire law and procedure relating to the disqualification of company directors and is the only work to provide a full explanation of the complex rules that have developed under the Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986. The work also takes account of the impact of the Human Rights Act 1998.

The complete service includes a guide to the substantive law and procedure in this area; the essential statutory materials; necessary forms and precedents and cases. Expanded precedents provide useful short cuts through a complicated area of law and include essential information and research on disqualification periods.

Four looseleaf volumes; four service issues per year (invoiced separately on publication).

Table of contents:

Division I The disqualification regime

Division II Gathering information and making enquiries for the purpose of bringing disqualification proceedings

Division III Substantive Law

Division IV Commencement and prosecution

Division V The effects of a disqualification order or analogous statutory prohibition

Division VI Permission to act following the imposition of disqualification

Division VII Costs and appeals

Division VIII Directors' Disqualification and Human Rights

Division IX The Scottish perspective

Division IXA Northern Ireland

Division IXB International aspects

Division X Forms and precedents

Division XI Statutory and other materials

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