DIGESTS – Provide expert, country–by–country commentary on the elements of trust law in each jurisdiction. Each entry is prepared by contributors with experience of working in that particular territory.
- Anguilla
- Australia
- Bahamas
- Barbados
- Bermuda
- British Virgin Islands
- Canada
- Cayman Islands
- Cook Islands
- Dubai
- England
- Gibraltar
- Guernsey
- Hong Kong
- Isle of Man
- Israel
- Japan
- Jersey
- Labuan
- Liechtenstein
- Malta
- Mauritius
- New Zealand
- Panama
- People's Republic of China
- Republic of Ireland
- Russia
- San Marino
- South Africa
- St Vincent and the Grenadines
- Turks and Caicos Islands
Non-Trust JurisdictionsSection B
SPECIAL TOPICS – In–depth analysis of a range of topics relevant to lawyers concerned with trusts in an international setting.
- Forced Heirship and the Trust
- Payment by Trustees of Foreign Taxes
- Protectors
- Purpose Trusts
- Trading Trusts
- Asset Protection Trusts
- Disclosure of Information by Trustees
- The Future of the Trust from a Worldwide Perspective
- Trusts, Trustees and the UK Money Laundering Regime
- The Liabilities of Trusts
- Service Providers in International Financial Law
- VISTA trusts
- Models of the Trust Idea and Uses of those Models
- The Uniform Trust Code: An Introduction
Section C
CONFLICT OF LAWS - Chapters by specialist authors on jurisdiction and enforcement of judgments, applicable law and recognition (including the application and implications of the Hague Trusts Convention), capacity and other ‘rocket launching' issues plus selected reference material.
- Jurisdiction and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments
- Launching the Rocket - Capacity and the Creation of Inter Vivos Transnational Trusts
- International Recognition of Trusts
- Appendix: Explanatory Report by Von Overbeck
- Appendix: Explanatory Report on the Brussels Convention by Schlosser
- Appendix: Council Regulation on Jurisdiction and the Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters
Section D
STATUTES (and other reference material) - Extensive full text trust legislation from each of the jurisdictions.