International Corporate Procedures Set

A country-by-country encyclopaedia of business regulations in over 55 jurisdictions, including all the major industrial, financial and offshore centres worldwide.

Published: 01 January, 2000

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In Stock ISBN: 9780853081562

Why should you subscribe to International Corporate Procedures

~ This time and money saving resource lets you focus on doing business rather than tracking down information ~

International Corporate Procedures, available in print or as part of , is a country-by-country encyclopaedia of business regulations in over 55 jurisdictions, including all the major industrial, financial and offshore centres worldwide. It draws together the factual and procedural information necessary to make informed decisions about foreign forms of business enterprise.

Before any decision can be made to open an overseas office, set up a cross border joint venture or acquire businesses overseas, companies and their advisers must have a firm grasp of the structure of business regulation in the target territory. Yet finding up-to-date and reliable information of this kind can involve a great deal of time, effort and money, especially if you do not have an office or agent in the territory. All of this effort may be wasted if the legal and taxation regime is found to be wholly unsuitable, International Corporate Procedures performs this task for you.

International Corporate Procedures is the perfect resource for:

  • Corporate lawyers
  • Finance lawyers
  • Accountants
  • Compliance departments
  • Company secretarial departments
  • Business Advisers - offshore jurisdictions

International Corporate Procedures provides directly comparable information in a standardised format set out country by country covering over 55 jurisdictions, including:

  • Detailed information on how to form a company, a partnership, a branch or a joint venture, including the timescales, costs and documentation required.

  • Key company law points on liabilities of directors, D&O insurance, local shareholding requirements, classes of shares permitted, rules for shareholder meetings, registration of charges, liabilities for subsidiary debts, fees for permits and licences, rules on borrowing and charging of assets and M&A controls.

  • Details on different types of common business entities, including partnerships.

  • Accounting obligations in relation to record keeping and frequency of reporting. It examines model forms of accounts relevant to that jurisdiction highlighting in particular contents of the balance sheet and profit and loss account, additional disclosures, directors’ reports and the auditor’s report.

  • The tax position in each country, including corporate tax rates, offsetting losses, tax rate on dividends, taxation of groups, double taxation arrangements and incentive schemes.

Benefits of the service include:

  • Updated six times a year by practitioners with commercial experience from their own country, it is like having a direct line to a corporate procedures expert in each jurisdiction.
  • Each jurisdiction is structured according to a strict template, allowing you to compare them side by side.
  • Saves you simply hours of research time or potential fees for a specialist consultant.

"No other single work sets about presenting in such a clear and concise manner such information on so many countries"
International Business Lawyer

Editors and Contributors

General Editor: Nigel Banerjee, LLB, Visiting Lecturer, The Dickson Poon School of Law, King’s College London

Editors: Steen Rosenfalck, LLM, Senior Partner, ebl miller rosenfalck, London, UK; Christopher Murphy, MA, Managing Director, Ravensbourne Research Ltd; Dorothy Smith, MA

Featured Authors

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