Family Justice Reformed: A Guide to Developments since the Children and Families Act 2014 Second edition

Publisher: Family Law
Family Justice Reformed contains detailed commentary on the Single Family Court and the Children and Families Act 2014, Pts 1 and 2 (which deal with family justice), including clear and comprehensive guidance on the underlying procedural regime and the rationale for the reforms.

Published: 28 June, 2017

Product Format Details Qty
In Stock ISBN: 9781784733292

Previously known as Reforming Family Justice: A Guide to the Family Court and the Children and Families Act 2014, Family Justice Reformed contains detailed commentary on the Single Family Court and the Children and Families Act 2014, Pts 1 and 2 (which deal with family justice), including clear and comprehensive guidance on the underlying procedural regime and the rationale for the reforms.

The reforms continue to represent a huge change to the manner in which professionals working in the family justice system have to approach and deal with cases, and this comprehensive practitioner’s text provides an invaluable guide thereto.

This new edition has been thoroughly revised throughout and contains analysis and practical guidance on all recent developments, including additional chapters on ‘The challenges in cases involving young adults’ and ‘Digital Court modernisation’. An Appendix contains relevant legislative provisions and guidance.

The book also provides clear practice guides, summaries and glossaries of legal terms, with a view to assisting litigants in person who are negotiating their own way through the system.





Table of Cases

Table of Statutes

Table of Statutory Instruments

Chapter 1: The Case for Change

The Family Justice Review

The timetable for the child

The case against delay

The Government response to the Family Justice Review: A system with children and families at its heart

The judicial proposals for change

The case monitoring system (CMS) and the Tri-borough Project

Local authority innovations

Case monitoring systems

The single family court

The family court – its shape and organisation

The local family court

Family drug and alcohol court (FDAC)

The family court – London

Locations/geography in London – public law

The digital court – transforming family justice for the future

The judicial proposals in 2012–2014

The Tandem Model

The 2012 Family Justice Review’s over-arching recommendations


Chapter 2: The Aims of the Act

Private law disputes


C (A Child) & Anor v KH

The facts

The criticisms on appeal and guidance for the future

The problems for litigants in person and the courts

Consequences of a lack of representation

McKenzie Friends

From the private law pathway to the Child Arrangements Programme

Child arrangements orders

Applications for orders relating to children

Shared parenting

International experience

The Swedish example

The Australian model

The 2014 Act

What is meant by ‘suggests?’

Child arrangements order

Grandparents and other family members

Other amendments to the private law regime

Parental responsibility

Child Arrangements Programme

Litigants in person

The court process – hearings and evidence

Allocation and gate keeping – CAP para 9 and Practice Guidance

Without notice applications – CAP para 12

Time frames

The child in the dispute

The role of Cafcass

Revised PD12J

The dispute resolution appointment – CAP para 19

Frequently asked questions

Divorce and financial remedy proceedings

Draft orders in financial remedy applications

Chapter 3: Dispute Resolution Services

Collaborative law


Mediation in 2014

The Family Justice Review

Child Arrangements Programme

Parenting plans

Mediation as ongoing process

The 2014 Act and mediation

The new provisions

Mediation information and assessment session – what is it?

LASPO and mediation

Legal aid funding

Process of mediation

The limits of mediation

Benefits of mediation

The child’s voice in mediation

Example of a memorandum of understanding

Example of a statement of financial information

Chapter 4: Public Law

The interim position – a learning curve

Strong and robust leadership

The ‘case manager’ role

Timely and more selective use of assessments and agreements with providers

The early appointment of children’s guardians

Judicial continuity and robust case management

Social worker confidence

Focus and commitment

Quarterly ‘post-case reviews’ to identify and share learning points and overall leadership


Thoroughness of assessments and use of experts

Thoroughness of hearings

Justice for children and parents

Delays being incurred pre- or post-proceedings

The timing of the case management hearing and the case management order

Extensions to the 26-week time frame

Sustainability in the longer-term

The Revised Public Law Outline (PLO)

26 week timetable

Scope to extend care proceedings beyond 26 weeks

‘A problem solving court’

1. The Family Drug and Alcohol Court (FDAC)


Interim care orders

Practice Direction 27A – court bundles

Preliminary documents

Format and contents of the bundle

Timetable for lodging of the bundle and preliminary documents

Stage 1: Issue and allocation

Stage 2: The advocates’ meeting

Stage 3: Issues resolution hearing

Settlement conferences

The settlement conference process

Pilot scheme evaluation

Human Rights Act claims

Chapter 5: Experts

The need for reform

The change in culture


The Children and Families Act 2014

‘Robust case management’

Re C (A Child) (Procedural Requirements of a PD25 Application)

Timetable for an application

Case study: X Local Authority v A, B and C

At the case management hearing

The quality and length of expert reports

The final recommended standards

Funding of independent expert evidence – the Legal Aid Agency

Re R (Children: Temporary Leave to Remove from Jurisdiction)

JG v The Lord Chancellor & others

Social workers and Cafcass officers – already instructed experts

Good Practice Guidance for Social Work Practised in the Family Courts


The threshold analysis

The care proceedings


The independent social worker assessment

The children’s guardian

The analysis and recommendations report

Threshold analysis

Analysis of parenting capacity

Child impact analysis

Early permanence analysis including the proposed placement and contact framework

Case management analysis and advice

Example of revised PLO Cafcass case analysis

Chapter 6: Adoption Reform

The background to reform

The causes of delay

The importance of ethnicity

Early permanence

The approach of the courts

Re B-S – the need for full analysis

Re B-S in the context of the modernisation reforms

Application of Re B-S

The balance sheet

The impact of B-S on the level of adoption

Contact post-adoption

The fairness of adoption proceedings

Support for adopters – duties of local authorities

Chapter 7: Transparency and Reporting Restriction Orders – The New Ethos

The Transparency Project

The call for transparency


Service outside of the jurisdiction – the Facebook problem

Open justice – The case-law Re A

Re J (A Child)

Re P (A Child)

Family and criminal proceedings – the overlap

Covert recording

Transparency conclusions

Draft order

President’s Guidance

Chapter 8: Transitioning from the Family Courts – The Challenges in Cases Involving Young Adults

Background – transition from child care

Children (Leaving Care) Act 2000

Care leaver policy

Children and Young Persons Act 2008

Children and Families Act 2014

Care Act 2014

The Children and Social Work Act 2017

Involvement of the Court of Protection and the Mental Capacity Act 2005

Deprivation of liberty – the Article 5 rights of the young person

The inherent jurisdiction of the High Court

Protection of vulnerable adults




With a specialist contribution by Taryn Lee QC, 37 Park Square Chambers, Leeds

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