Employment in Schools: A Legal Guide Second edition

Tackles the distinctive legal and practical issues surrounding employing school staff

Published: 31 October, 2007

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In Stock ISBN: 9781846610165

Why should you buy Employment in Schools: A Legal Guide Second edition

Employment in Schools is the first book available to tackle the distinctive legal and practical issues surrounding employing school staff. Teachers' terms are largely imposed by legislation specific to education and the relevant processes and structure of accountability are unique. There is also strong trade union involvement.

All these factors make the task of hiring and managing school staff a complex and challenging one for school heads and support staff. In Employment in Schools Oliver Hyams has drawn on experience gained over the last fifteen years as an employment and education law specialist to produce the only practical and comprehensive handbook on the subject. Employment in Schools contains advice ranging from recruitment to dismissal, covering both teaching and non teaching staff on all these issues: who may be a teacher; the recruitment and appointment process; the law of unfair dismissal and discrimination; statutory provisions applying directly to employment in schools.

This new edition has been extensively revised to take account of the Education Act 2002 and changes to teachers' pay and conditions, the Employment Rights Act 2002 which introduced a new regime of disciplinary and grievance procedures, various changes to discrimination law, and the new TUPE regulations.

Employment in Schools is essential reading for head teachers, governors and legal advisers within local authorities, schools and private practice.

Introduction and Overview

Dispute Resolution Procedures in the Employment Act 2002

The Regulation of Employment in Schools

Recruitment and Staffing of Schools

Employment Rights and Duties

Discrimination and Human Rights


Discipline and Dismissal

Staff Representation

Transfers of Undertakings

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