Keeping you up to date on consumer and trading standards law.
Published: 21 March, 2025
The user-friendly text provides a clear and exhaustive analysis of the law including case law and its application, wording of the statutory provision, plus expert commentary and analysis of the practical issues. Thoroughly updated to take account of new case law and statutory updates. This title covers the law in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
The 2025 Edition has been enhanced and updated throughout to include:
>In depth coverage of recent and important case law, including: decisions on covert medical treatment, and obstetric treatment; decisions relating to obstetric treatment; significant decisions relating to the withdrawal of clinically-assisted nutrition and hydration; evaluation of the capacity to engage in sexual relations, and much more.
>Narrative sections relating to the Court of Protection’s work and jurisdiction written by judges and practitioners in the field with an unrivalled knowledge of practice and procedure
>A new section dealing with interface between the jurisdiction of the Court of Protection relating to incapacitated adults and the family jurisdiction relating to teenagers
>Commentary on the rules which takes account of the latest practice in the court
>The most up to date precedents and forms
>An overview of the year from The Right Honourable Lord Justice Baker