Children: The Modern Law Fourth edition

Publisher: Family Law
Children: The Modern Law is well established as the leading textbook dealing comprehensively with the law and policy relating to children.

Published: 30 November, 2013

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In Stock ISBN: 9781846614989

Why you should buy Children: The Modern Law

Children: The Modern Law is well established as the leading textbook dealing comprehensively with the law and policy relating to children.

This fourth edition has been extensively revised and updated to take account of significant legislative, case-law and other developments including:

* The Family Justice Review 2011, the Government Response 2012 and the likely impact of the Children and Families Bill 2013.
* Detailed treatment of parentage and parental responsibility, including the impact of the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 2008 and the Welfare Reform Act 2009.
* Important decisions on relocation in shared care cases: K v K [2011] EWCA Civ 793 and Re F [2012] EWCA Civ 1364.
* A new separate chapter on international child abduction, examining recent important Supreme Court decisions: Re A [2013] UKSC 60, Re S [2012] UKSC 10 and Re E (Children) [2011] UKSC 27.
* The impact on child support of the Child Maintenance and Other Payments Act 2008 and the Welfare Reform Act 2012.
* Important public law authorities on care orders in uncertain perpetrator cases (Re J [2013] UKSC 9), and on the standard of appellate review and proportionality (Re B [2013] UKSC 33).
* The Narey Report on adoption and case-law on post-adoption contact

Children: The Modern Law is an authoritative study of the legal position of children in our society and is essential reading for students of child law, family law and social work and family law professionals.


"Throughout the book, relevant cases and legislation are discussed and set on the context of not only the continuous process of development of substantive law but also, and this is one of the book's greatest strengths, of academic commentary and analysis and the policy debates both within the legal world and beyond. Although primarily aimed at law and social work students (and it will be invaluable for them) practitioners will also find it useful as a ready source of information and commentary on the current state of the law in the areas that it covers ... highly recommended book." Simon Johnson Barrister, Stour Chambers, Canterbury

"an excellent text on child law ... an authoritative and accessible text which considers the law in a social context" Dr Katherine Wright,  Principal lecturer in law, Sheffield Hallam University

"still the best text on the area" Claire Bessant Principal Lecturer, School of Law, Northumbria University Reviews from previous editions

"a landmark in the development of child law" The Modern Law Review

"presents a wide range of material in a well ordered and accessible form ... extensive road-testing among undergraduates by this reviewer confirms the view that it will prove a popular and durable student text" Journal of Child Law

"an indispensable guide to all aspects of child law and policy" Childright

"comprehensive" Education and the Law

"a welcome addition ... it is hard to imagine a more comprehensive or useful guide ... an exceptional foundation for studies ... Indeed, anyone with an interest in child law will find this book invaluable" The Law Teacher

"a popular and authoritative treatment ... an accessible and incisive review of the theoretical issues involving children such as the nature of children's rights as well as providing a thorough and up-to-date coverage of the law ... this is particularly useful because much of the other writing on these theoretical topics is not readily comprehensible ... a lucid, up-to-date coverage which is to be highly recommended to both practitioners and students" Family Law

"an authoritative and comprehensive survey of the law ... this clear and accessible book provides an indispensable guide to all aspects of child law and policy" Publication Monitor

"practical, and interesting approach to Child Law ... for someone who is coming afresh to Child or Family Law, this book would serve as a comprehensive and authoratative introduction" Children Panel Newsletter

"This fourth edition is a comprehensive and authoritative text which covers a diverse range of topics...this is an excellent text written in an interesting and accessible style ...the cost seems modest for such a wealth of information" Emma Kendall Warwickshire County Council

Part One: Background and Sources

• Children and the Law: A Demographic and Historical Sketch

• Fundamental Principles: The Children Act 1989 and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child

Part Two: Children and Families

• Parentage

• Parental Responsibility

• Private Disputes and Issues in Children Cases

• Child Abduction

• Children and Parents: The Central Issues

• Children and Medical Decisions

• Children Money and Property

Part Three: Children and Local Authorities

• Local Authority Support for Children and Families

• Investigation and Short-term Protection

• Care and Supervision

• Permanence for Children: Adoption and Special Guardianship

Part Four: Children and Society

• Children in Court

• Children and the Criminal Law

• Children and the Civil Law

• Children and Education

With specialist contributions by:

Neville Harris, Barrister, Gray’s Inn; Professor of Law, University of Manchester

Kathryn Hollingsworth, Professor of Law, University of Newcastle

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