The Law and Practice of True Sales raises issues of general law, applicable to many circumstances, as well as complex issues relating to insolvency and practical enforcement.
Enforcement of Consumer Rights and Protections is a practical ready-reference to help guide lawyers when dealing with client work in relation to goods, digital content and services, and an essential aid for local authorities when prosecuting or bringing enforcement action against traders.
This practical title provides a comprehensive statement of the legal considerations applicable to the takeover of a public company in the UK. Written by leading practitioners in the field, it covers the regulatory framework and the way in which takeovers work in practice (including tax and accountancy, employment and competition issues); with detailed exposition of the relevant company law considerations, merger control processes, Takeover Directives, disclosure and transparency rules, EU regulations and much more including a new chapter on pensions.
Capacity to Change: Understanding and Assessing a Parent's Capacity to Change within the Timescales of the Child is aimed at the legal profession and those seeking to gain greater understanding and skills in child law and practice.
Costs in Family Proceedings is a concise but comprehensive and authoritative guide to the law precedents and practice of costs and funding in all family proceedings.