Cabot Square Alternatives in £200m retail IPO

Cabot Square Alternatives in £200m retail IPO

Investment company Cabot Square Alternatives plc (Cabot) has announced its intention to float on the premium segment of the Main Market on the London Stock Exchange. The offer is being made available to institutional investors, retail investors and intermediaries and the fundraising, which is not being underwritten, is hoped to initially raise gross proceeds of around £200 million. It is expected that the company will be admitted to trading on 18 February 2020.

Cabot ‘seeks to provide a new model for investors to access returns from the alternatives sector’, confirming that it will seek opportunities that ‘can also make a positive environmental, social and governance impact by focusing on some of the biggest challenges facing societies and economies’.

Cabot’s intention to float is the sixth IPO announced by 30 January 2020, compared to only three IPOs announced by 30 January 2019. The 200% increase in IPOs during the first month of 2020 sets the tone for more IPOs on the UK public markets in the coming year. It may be that greater political certainty has given investors and companies more confidence in listing on the London Stock Exchange. See also Solid start for 2020 IPOs and Gemstone trader in Valentine’s return to AIM.

More detail on this transaction can be found in the Market Tracker deal analysis tool

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