Tax News

Pension schemes newsletter 151 confirms amendment to Finance (No. 2) Bill clarifying tax treatment of stand-alone lump sums

Published on: 30 June 2023
Published by a

Specialist Tax Regulatory Materials

Article summary

HMRC has published pension schemes newsletter 151 (June 2023). In particular, the newsletter confirms that following the Spring Budget 2023 announcement that the lifetime allowance charge would be removed from 6 April 2023 and fully abolished from the 2024 to 2025 tax year, the government has amended the Finance (No. 2) Bill to make clear that any amount of a stand-alone lump sum in excess of the 5 April 2023 maximum may still be paid to the member as a stand-alone lump sum, with the excess being subject to the member’s marginal rate of Income Tax. The newsletter also provides further information on the rules that apply to the taxation of stand-alone lump sum payments and how they should be reported.

Jurisdiction(s): England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales

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