
Tax agents and VAT

Produced by a Tolley Value Added Tax expert
Value Added Tax

Tax agents and VAT

Produced by a Tolley Value Added Tax expert
Value Added Tax

This guidance note examines the role of a tax agent within the context of VAT, and sets out the steps required in order to become a registered professional tax agent.

What is a tax agent?

A business may appoint someone else to deal with HMRC on its behalf. This person will be acting as a tax agent. An agent can be:

  1. โ€ข

    a professional accountant or tax adviser

  2. โ€ข

    a friend or relative

  3. โ€ข

    someone from a voluntary organisation

Appoint someone to deal with HMRC on your behalf

The agent must meet HMRCโ€™s standard for agents which sets out that agents must act with integrity, professional competence and due care, and behave in a professional manner. This guidance note focuses on the role of a professional tax agent.

Appointing a tax agent

A tax agent can be appointed using the businessโ€™ VAT online services account or via a 64-8 form. Businesses should be aware that when completing the 64-8 it is important to ensure all the relevant taxes are authorised, so that

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