Cash basis for unincorporated property businesses

Produced by Tolley in association with of Crane Dale Tax, part of AMS Group
Owner-Managed Businesses

Cash basis for unincorporated property businesses

Produced by Tolley in association with of Crane Dale Tax, part of AMS Group
Owner-Managed Businesses

This guidance note summarises when the cash basis can be used for property businesses, the treatment of common property income and expenses and the restrictions as to how property losses can be relieved. However, the legislation is complicated and, therefore, before advising clients, it is advisable to consider the statutory provisions carefully in relation to the client’s circumstances. For further reading, see Simon’s Taxes B6.202C–B6.202E.

Broadly the cash basis must be used by:

  1. •

    individuals, or partnerships comprising only individuals, with

  2. •

    gross property income of £150,000 or less; with a UK, and an overseas property businesses each considered in isolation. Where both spouses or civil partners are under the cash basis, then the £150,000 threshold applies per spouse

For ease of reference, the alternative to the cash basis is referred to as the ‘accruals basis’ in this guidance note, although of course this means the basis under which both generally accepted accounting practice (GAAP) and standard tax provisions apply. For discussion of

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Rob Durrant-Walker
Rob Durrant-Walker

Tax Director at Crane Dale Tax , Corporate Tax, OMB, Personal Tax

Rob is a cross-tax advisor with a particular focus on property tax planning, and business structure planning for OMB’s. He provides tax advice to other accounting firms, balancing commerciality, ethics, and understanding complexity. His 30+ years of experience start at the Inland Revenue in Hull. After completing his ATT and CTA by 1999 with PKF, he subsequently worked at KPMG and UHY prior to managing the business tax team as a director at Garbutt + Elliott. Rob is now Tax Director at the independent tax consultancy, Crane Dale Tax. He is a regular author for Taxation magazine with many articles and Readers Forum contributions since 2005, and he contributes as a virtual member to the CIOT Property Tax technical committee. Rob works remotely from Vancouver in Canada.

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