Retail schemes ― point of sale

Produced by a Tolley Value Added Tax expert
Value Added Tax

Retail schemes ― point of sale

Produced by a Tolley Value Added Tax expert
Value Added Tax

This guidance note provides an overview of the point of sale (POS) retail scheme requirements. This note should be read in conjunction with the following guidance notes:

  1. •

    Retail schemes ― overview

  2. •

    Retail schemes ― apportionment

  3. •

    Retail schemes ― direct calculation

  4. •

    Bespoke retail schemes

  5. •

    Retail schemes ― specific industries

SI 1995/2518, Pt IX, regs 66–75

Basic requirements

Businesses can use the POS scheme if they:

  1. •

    make retail sales

  2. •

    are unable to account for VAT using the normal VAT accounting rules

  3. •

    have a total annual retail turnover, excluding VAT, of not more than £130m, and

  4. •

    can produce a fair and reasonable result using this scheme

Notice 727/3; VRS11000

Businesses are required to use the POS scheme if they meet the above requirements and they only supply goods or services that are liable to one VAT rate (eg all sales are liable to VAT at either the standard or reduced rate). If the business makes supplies that are liable to VAT at two different

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