Pay statements and records ― legal points

Produced by Tolley in association with
Employment Tax

Pay statements and records ― legal points

Produced by Tolley in association with
Employment Tax

Itemised pay statements (pay slip)

A worker is legally entitled to be given a written itemised pay statement by his employer at or before the time any wages are paid to them. The right to a payslip was extended to all workers from 6 April 2019; previously, the right only applied to those workers who were classified as employees.

The statement must contain particulars of:

  1. •

    the gross amount of wages

  2. •

    the amounts of any variable and any relevant fixed deductions and the purpose for which they have been made

  3. •

    the net amount of wages

  4. •

    where different parts of the net amount are paid in different ways, the amount and method of payment of each part

  5. •

    where the amount of wage or salary varies

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Sarah Bradford
Sarah Bradford

Director at Writetax Ltd

Sarah Bradford BA(Hons), ACA, CTA (Fellow) is the director of Writetax Ltd, a company providing tax technical writing services on tax and National Insurance, and also of its sister company, Writetax Consultancy Services Ltd. Sarah writes widely on tax and National Insurance and is the author of several books.

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  • 16 Aug 2023 11:29

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