Automatic enrolment ― what types of scheme may be used

Produced by a Tolley Employment Tax expert
Employment Tax

Automatic enrolment ― what types of scheme may be used

Produced by a Tolley Employment Tax expert
Employment Tax

The automatic enrolment regime requires employers to enrol workers automatically in a pension scheme that meets at least minimum standards (known as a ‘qualifying scheme’). In the case of a defined contribution scheme, those standards include mandatory employer and worker contributions of at least minimum amounts.

In considering what scheme to use, the employer should be aware of the minimum standards that apply for a scheme to be 'qualifying'. The Pensions Regulator has issued detailed guidance for employers to help employers meet their responsibilities under automatic enrolment ('TPR Guidance'), including information on the criteria for qualifying schemes.

For further information on the automatic enrolment regime, see the Automatic enrolment ― overview guidance note.

For further information on categories of worker, see the Automatic enrolment ― who needs to be enrolled guidance note.

Qualifying schemes

As regards to the type of pension scheme nominated by the employer for automatic enrolment purposes, the scheme must be a ‘qualifying scheme’

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