Termination payments definition

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What does Termination payments mean?

(also known as, or related to) 
•â€¯â€¯â€¯â€¯ Settlement agreements (compromise agreements) 
•â€¯â€¯â€¯â€¯ Redundancy payments 
•â€¯â€¯â€¯â€¯ Golden handshakes 
•â€¯â€¯â€¯â€¯ Compensation for loss of office 
•â€¯â€¯â€¯â€¯ Restrictive covenant 
•â€¯â€¯â€¯â€¯ Termination bonus 
•â€¯â€¯â€¯â€¯ Payment in lieu of notice 
•â€¯â€¯â€¯â€¯ Gardening leave 
•â€¯â€¯â€¯â€¯ Notice pay 
•â€¯â€¯â€¯â€¯ Ex gratia payments 
•â€¯â€¯â€¯â€¯ Employer-financed retirement benefit scheme (EFRBS) 
•â€¯â€¯â€¯â€¯ Payment on death, injury or disability 
•â€¯â€¯â€¯â€¯ Post-employment notice pay (PENP) 

Termination payments in a nutshell 
Termination payments are payments made to an employee in relation to the termination or loss of their employment. Most often these relate to: 
redundancy – either statutory redundancy pay, or enhanced redundancy pay where an employer chooses to pay at a higher rate 
Settlement agreements – previously known as compromise agreements, these are agreements where both parties agree to end the employment with certain contractual conditions and with a payment from the employer to the employee 


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