Tax code definition

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What does Tax code mean?

An employee’s tax code allows an employer to deduct the correct amount of PAYE due, without knowing the employee’s personal circumstances. The code is arrived at by HMRC calculating the net amount of personal allowances due, then deleting the last digit and replacing it with a suffix letter, usually L, M or T (the suffix does not affect the PAYE deductions). For example, if an employee had personal allowances of £12,570 and benefits in kind, not otherwise taxed, of £2,000; HMRC would convert net allowances of £10,570 to a tax code of 1,057L. The tax tables issued by HMRC then allow the employee to receive 1/12 of this annual tax free pay due, each month. If the deductions for benefits etc exceed the personal allowance, HMRC will prefix the tax code with a letter K. Under a 'K code', instead of getting an element of tax free pay, the employee pays tax on extra income via PAYE.

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