
D7.1140 Methods of leaving the REIT regime

Corporate tax

D7.1140 Methods of leaving the REIT regime

A company can leave the REIT regime voluntarily, or HMRC can give notice for it to leave. In order to leave an official termination by notice must be given, either by the company or HMRC (as appropriate)1.

In addition to formally leaving the regime, where certain condition are breached, the regime will automatically cease to apply to the company, see D7.1108.

Termination by notice—company

A company UK REIT may give notice (in writing) to HMRC that it wishes the regime to cease to apply to it. The date of leaving the regime is specified by the company and must be after the date of the notice2.

Termination by notice—HMRC

HMRC can give notice (in writing) to a company UK REIT that the

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