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Zambia - VAT registration guide

VAT registration guides

Contributed by Simon Njelemba, PKF Zambia Chartered Accountants

VAT registration threshold – local establishmentZMW 800,000 in a 12-month period
ZMW 200,000 in any 3 consecutive months
VAT registration threshold – no local establishmentNot applicable
Voluntary VAT registrationA taxable supplier with annual turnover below the statutory threshold of ZMW 800,000 in any consecutive 12-month period has an option to register voluntarily for VAT in Zambia. Suppliers who register voluntarily must:
• renew the VAT registration every 12 months; and
• notify the Commissioner-General, in writing, 30 days before the expiry of the 12-month period of their intention to renew the VAT registration.
A supplier who fails to notify the Commissioner-General as required will be deregistered and any

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Web page updated on 24 Aug 2024 15:25