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V16.881 Electronically supplied services: supplementary information on the Special Scheme for non-EU businesses

Part V16 Forms and other HMRC material

Information Sheet 10/03, August 2003

This Information Sheet explains further details about the special electronic registration and VAT accounting scheme for non-EU businesses which provide electronically supplied services to EU consumers.

It should be read in conjunction with VAT Information Sheet 7/03 “Electronically supplied services: Special Scheme for non-EU businesses”. You will also need to read the following VAT Information Sheets—

  1. — 1/03 “Electronically supplied services and broadcasting services: new EU place of supply rules”;

  2. — 4/03 “Electronically supplied services: a guide to interpretation”; and

  3. — 5/03 “Electronically supplied services: evidence of customer location and status”.

1 Introduction

1.1 What is this Information Sheet about?

This Information Sheet provides further information about the new Special Scheme for non-EU businesses supplying electronically supplied services to EU consumers (that is, private individuals

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