Investing in innovation:
law firms can offer clients more than legal expertise


Law firms trade on their legal expertise. But clients want more.

To compete in today's legal environment, all law firms now need both top-notch legal expertise and modern technology. The latter is where firms are failing.

Only one in five lawyers believe their firm is fast or very fast at implementing new technology. Most rate their firm’s tech adoption as adequate, slow or very slow.

In this report, we look at how firms can transform their client experience through workflow and data innovation.

Our survey of 800+ UK legal practitioners found:

  • One-fifth of lawyers believe their firms are fast or very fast at adopting technology
  • Two-thirds of law firm lawyers believe their firm is adequate, slow or very slow at responding to change
  • One in ten lawyers say they would consider leaving if their firm or legal department didn't invest in AI

Download our report to read the research, delve into organisational strategy, and gain insights from some the legal market’s most notable voices.


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