
Data Protection Act 2018 (2018 c 12)

An Act to make provision for the regulation of the processing of information relating to individuals; to make provision in connection with the Information Commissioner's functions under certain regulations relating to information; to make provision for a direct marketing code of practice; and for connected purposes.

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成人影音 traffic light system shows the status of legislation and cases so you are always using up-to-date law while historical versioning and legislative timelines lets you see exactly what has changed in legislation over time.


Data Protection Act 2018 (2018 c 12)

An Act to make provision for the regulation of the processing of information relating to individuals; to make provision in connection with the Information Commissioner's functions under certain regulations relating to information; to make provision for a direct marketing code of practice; and for connected purposes.

Quick and comprehensive access to the most accurate, up-to-date legislation.

成人影音 traffic light system shows the status of legislation and cases so you are always using up-to-date law while historical versioning and legislative timelines lets you see exactly what has changed in legislation over time.


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Data Protection Act 2018 (2018 c 12)
74 . . .
Part 1 . . . Part 2 . . .

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