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Sector advertising law and regulation

Published by a ³ÉÈËÓ°Òô TMT expert
Practice notes

Sector advertising law and regulation

Published by a ³ÉÈËÓ°Òô TMT expert

Practice notes

This Practice Note examines the advertising of goods or services in certain sectors which have sector-specific rules imposed by regulatory bodies, statute, trade bodies or a mixture of all three. It covers: age-restricted products and targeting; alcohol, food and drink; financial services; gambling and lotteries; tobacco; electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes and vapes); telecoms advertising; environmental claims; medicinal products; and political advertising.

General legislative framework

In the UK, the main rules governing advertising are set out in the UK Code of Non-broadcast Advertising and Direct & Promotional Marketing (CAP Code) and the UK Code of Broadcast Advertising (BCAP Code) which generally replicate each other. They are self-regulatory rules which generally reflect the legal rules where they cover the same ground.

However, the Codes are applied in spirit as well as to the letter. This means that although an advertiser may be able to point to a requirement in the CAP Code and say they have complied with its requirements literally, they may not have complied with the intention of the provision concerned.

The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) expects advertisers

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United Kingdom
Key definition:
Sector definition
What does Sector mean?

stock markets are divided into sectors, which comprise of companies from the same industries eg telecommunications sector, oil sector, media sector etc.

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