
Is a divorce petition a public document and can anyone request a copy? If not, is there anything to prevent a party to a divorce from giving copies of the petition to a third party such as an employer?

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Published on: 21 August 2019

Once the decree absolute has been pronounced in relation to a divorce, it is a matter of public record, and therefore, anybody will be able to obtain a copy of the decree absolute itself. This only relates to the decree absolute however, and not the divorce petition, and so the divorce petition will not be a public document. The procedure to search for and obtain a copy of a decree absolute is set out in the relevant Government guidance.

If somebody wishes to obtain a copy of the divorce petition, they will need to make a proper application to do so. It is therefore arguable that a party will not be permitted to provide copies to a third party, such as an employer, as the petition is a private court document. The relevant provisions are contained in the Family Procedure Rules 2010 (FPR 2010),

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Divorce definition
What does Divorce mean?

The bringing to an end of a valid marriage between a man and a woman

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