European Investigation Orders (EIOs)—background, general principles and investigative measures [Archived]

Published by a ³ÉÈËÓ°Òô Corporate Crime expert
Practice notes

European Investigation Orders (EIOs)—background, general principles and investigative measures [Archived]

Published by a ³ÉÈËÓ°Òô Corporate Crime expert

Practice notes

ARCHIVED: This Practice Note has been archived and is not being maintained. Following the end of the EU transition period, the UK is no longer part of the European Investigation Order (EIO) procedure. In its place, mutual legal assistance requests from EU member States are based on the Council of Europe’s 1959 European Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters and its additional protocols as supplemented by the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA). Any EIOs received before the end of IP completion day (11 pm 31 December 2020) are treated and progressed as an EIO and the procedure and process relating to EIOs remains in force for these transitional EIOs. EIOs received after IP completion day are treated as a request under the 1959 convention. See Practice Notes: Mutual legal assistance (MLA) and What does IP completion day mean for corporate crime? [Archived]

This Practice Note is retained to assist those dealing with EIOs issued prior to IP completion day. It explains the background to the introduction of EIO in the EU. It covers

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Key definition:
General Principles definition
What does General Principles mean?

The Code is based upon six General Principles, essentially statements of standards of commercial behaviour. These General Principles are the same as the general principles set out in Article 3 of the takeover Directive. They are expressed in broad general terms and the Code does not define the precise extent of, or the limitations on, their application. They are applied in accordance with their spirit in order to achieve their underlying purpose.

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