ESG and sustainability: employment issues

This Overview provides a summary of the content in the subtopic, ESG and sustainability: employment issues. Environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations, along with sustainability, are broad concepts and in the business context generally include the impact an entity is having on the environment and society. This content aims to help practitioners advising businesses by providing an overview of the many pervasive ESG issues in the employment context and also signposts other relevant materials.

Understanding the terminology

The terminology used in this area is extensive. Terms such as ‘sustainable business’, ‘responsible business’, ‘corporate responsibility’ (CR) or ‘corporate social responsibility’ (CSR), and ‘environmental, social and governance’ (ESG) are used by business and lawyers in various different contexts, and can mean different things to different audiences. However, for the most part they are all used to convey a business behaving in a responsible manner as part of its day-to-day activities. Many companies are realising that compliance with national, state and local laws and regulations may no longer provide sufficient protection from legal, regulatory or reputational risk, and that it is necessary to view ‘responsible business’ more widely.


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