Part 2 'AGM trends in 2023': Lessons from 2022 and preparing for the 2023 AGM season - Lachlan Low, Counsel, and Di Yu, Partner, White & Case

Part 2 'AGM trends in 2023': Lessons from 2022 and preparing for the 2023 AGM season - Lachlan Low, Counsel, and Di Yu, Partner, White & Case

Lexis Nexis Market Tracker presents the in our series ‘AGM trends in 2023.’ In these four short videos from White & Case, Lachlan Low and Di Yu discuss trending issues for the upcoming AGM season. Di Yu starts with a discussion on the priorities and challenges of the 2023 season. Lachlan Low examines the lessons from 2022 that will inform AGMs in 2023 and provides some helpful guidance on how boards should prepare.

Di and Lachlan engage in interesting discussions on change and continuity this year. Di considers how executive remuneration will be informed by the inflationary climate and pay disputes. She anticipates the emergence of a dynamic mix of both adaptability and caution when it comes to executive pay packets. Di also highlights shareholder activism as a key challenge for boards this year. Investors are becoming increasingly concerned with how companies are responding to issues and are eager to have their voices heard, an observation also made by our other contributors.

Lachlan considers how diligent preparation and meaningful communication can neutralise potentially disruptive shareholders. This is especially pertinent as 2022 saw a handful of companies challenged by climate protesters at the AGM. Companies ought to reassess the risk of disruption and prepare for it in appropriate ways. Whether disruption occurs through internal or external actors, Lachlan reminds us that companies ought to be proactive this season.

Thank you to Di, Lachlan, and the entire White & Case team for their meaningful contributions to our video series.

Other videos in the 'AGM trends in 2023' video series

For an in-depth look at this area, our Market Tracker trend report, , reviews investor voting in 2022 and looks ahead to the hot topics for the 2023 season. Drawing on the extensive data available in our Market Tracker database, this report provides insight into last year’s most significant trends.

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Market Tracker is a unique service for corporate lawyers housed within Lexis®PSL Corporate. It features a powerful transaction data analysis tool for accessing, analysing and comparing the specific features of corporate transactions, with a comprehensive and searchable library of deal documentation across 14 different deal types. The Market Tracker product also includes news and analysis of key corporate deals and activity and in-depth analysis of recent trends in corporate transactions.Â