Market Tracker trend report—trends in UK public M&A in Q1 2023

Market Tracker trend report—trends in UK public M&A in Q1 2023

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The latest publication in the Market Tracker Public M&A trend report series provides in-depth analysis of the 11 firm offers, seven possible offers and three formal sale processes and/or strategic reviews which were announced by Main Market and AIM companies subject to the Takeover Code (Code) in Q1 2023. It includes insight into public M&A trends seen in Q1 2023 and legal and regulatory developments.


Topics covered:

  • deal volume and value
  • deal structure
  • public to private (P2P) transactions
  • consideration structure and bid financing
  • industry
  • UK and overseas bidder activity
  • hostile, competing and mandatory offers
  • possible offers and strategic reviews
  • legal and regulatory developments

The report also includes analysis of high profile transactions, including the £1.25bn hostile offer for Kape Technologies by the company’s majority shareholder Unikmind Holdings, the only transaction which had a deal value exceeding £1bn.

Report highlights

  • 11 firm offers (Q4 2022: six firm offers; Q1 2022: 12 firm offers)
  • £2.6bn aggregate deal value (Q4 2022: £1.1bn; Q1 2022: £4.6bn)
  • £240m average deal value (Q4 2022: £183m; Q1 2022: £386m)
  • one £1bn plus transaction announced
  • eight (73%) firm offers were structured as schemes and three (27%) were structured as offers
  • 82% of firm offers were P2P transactions
  • overseas bidders were involved in 36% of firm offers announced (Q4 2022: 33%; Q1 2022: 67%), including the £1.25bn offer for Kape Technologies

The report also considers a legal and regulatory developments that took place in Q1 2023 including:

  • the publication of a revised version of the Code which includes amendments related to the definition of ‘acting in concert’
  • the Takeover Panel’s clarification of offer timetable treatment in competitive situations
  • the Panel’s response statement confirming miscellaneous Code changes that were proposed in its October 2022 consultation

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About the author:

Market Tracker is a unique service for corporate lawyers housed within Lexis®PSL Corporate. It features a powerful transaction data analysis tool for accessing, analysing and comparing the specific features of corporate transactions, with a comprehensive and searchable library of deal documentation across 14 different deal types. The Market Tracker product also includes news and analysis of key corporate deals and activity and in-depth analysis of recent trends in corporate transactions.Â