MLex reports on data protection pressure points – are you ready for the challenges ahead?

MLex reports on data protection pressure points – are you ready for the challenges ahead?

With ever more of the world rushing to live and work online, a global patchwork of data protection regulation is fast emerging and evolving.

California voters backed a ballot measure that in one step created the first bespoke US data protection agency and harmonized the Golden State with the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation. Lawmakers in India made halting progress on a law that would bestow fundamental data protection rights on the world’s largest democracy.

These two examples were waymarkers as the world closed in on a regulatory milestone where a majority of the global population would be covered by a data protection law.

Three years after the landmark GDPR took effect, the EU continues to lead as governments try to keep up with the galloping pace of digital change.

Stemming from webinar discussions hosted by MLex earlier this year, this report assesses the impact of recent data-protection developments, including in the light of the pandemic, and looks ahead to the pressure points for businesses and governments in the year ahead and beyond.

We hope you find this global overview useful and informative. The reporting here is a brief example of the insight and predictive analysis that MLex brings subscribers every day.

Download the report here 

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About the author:
Formerly chief Internet reporter
for the San Jose Mercury News and, Mike has covered
Google, Facebook, Apple and other
major Silicon Valley companies closely as
he followed trends in search, the mobile
web and online social networks. He helps
coordinate MLex coverage of privacy and
data security worldwide. A former John
S. Knight Fellow at Stanford University,
he is a graduate of Colby College. He is an
award-winning journalist with expertise
ranging from the business of professional
sports to computer-assisted reporting.