LIVE MLex webinar - EU Data Privacy Trends, Enforcement & New Impacts - 12 Sept 09:00 - 10:00

LIVE MLex webinar - EU Data Privacy Trends, Enforcement & New Impacts - 12 Sept 09:00 - 10:00

Recent reports from the European Data Protection Board show a considerable increase in queries and complaints about data privacy over the past 18 months.

The 25th of May marked the first anniversary of the implementation of GDPR, and among international and European companies there is a growing sense of a potential risk to their current way of doing business.

This has given rise to a number of questions for regulators, businesses and practitioners as to how the current convergence of data protection and antitrust rules will affect competition investigations and business models, as well as how regulations on data sharing and transfer across member states and beyond will impact the digital economy and the wider European industry.

MLex regulatory risk experts and will highlight trends, enforcement and new impacts of EU data privacy and security, including:

  • The increasing convergence of data protection and antitrust rules in competition investigations.
  • A round-up of GDPR enforcement & implementation examples and their impact.
  • EU open-access rules for public (non-personal) data.
  • Data sharing and the GDPR’s impact on EU Digital Economy Policy goals.
  • EU cybersecurity policy, looking at Huawei as an example.
  • Insights into developments of data handling for the connected-cars industry

The webinar will last  one hour, which will include time for Q&A.

Date: 12 September 2019

Time: 09:00 - 10:00


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About the author:

Louisa leads marketing at Obelisk Support - a legal services provider offering flexible legal support, delivered by highly experienced, typically City-firm trained freelance lawyers and paralegals.

Louisa has a passion for driving and facilitating initiatives which are customer-focused at their heart. Her vision is to support in-house counsel to succeed in their fast-evolving role based on deep insight, data analysis and best practice gathered across the in-house community.