Writing prompts: A quick guide for lawyers using generative AI

Writing prompts: A quick guide for lawyers using generative AI

For law firms, in-house legal departments and lawyers from all backgrounds to make the most of generative AI, it is essential that they understand the art of crafting effective prompts.

John Quinn, the Chairman and Co-founder of Quinn Emmanuel, told us: "What we’re going to need is lawyers who are more capable with generative AI, and who are better at engineering and designing prompts for artificial intelligence programmes."

In this blog post, we will explore practical tips and examples to help you create prompts that can streamline your legal workflows and enhance productivity. 


Understanding the importance of prompts 

Prompts are the instructions or queries that you provide to a generative AI system, guiding it to produce the desired output. On the surface, generative AI looks simple.  Give it an instruction and it will write you an answer.  However, as with many things in life, a little bit of knowledge can transform your ability to maximise value from generative AI. 

AI, like you and me, needs direction.  It needs context and clarity.  In the context of legal practice, well-crafted prompts can empower AI tools like Lexis+ AI to draft high-quality legal clauses and client documents, conduct legal research, analyse contracts, and perform a wide range of tasks with remarkable accuracy and efficiency.  Think of it like this: if you gave that prompt to a mid-level associate, would they understand what you were asking them to do?  Have you given them the direction they need to complete the task?  AI is no different.

The 5P's of effective prompting 

To create prompts that yield optimal results, it is recommended to follow the 5P's framework: 

1. Prime: Provide context within your prompt to set the scene for the AI system. This could include relevant background information, parties involved, key terms, or points of law surrounding the matter.  The more detail and direction you can provide, the higher the quality of the response.

Example: "I need to draft a non-disclosure agreement for a technology company based in London, England, that is planning to share confidential information with a potential business partner."  

2. Persona: Share your desired personality, background, and tone to shape the output. This is particularly useful when you want the AI to adopt a specific writing style or voice. 

Example: "Please respond as a seasoned corporate solicitor who has 20 years of experience in M&A transactions for pharmaceutical companies, specialising in immunisations.  Use a formal and professional tone without jargon." 

3. Prompt: Clearly and specifically articulate your instructions or the task you want the AI system to perform. 

Example: "Draft a comprehensive non-disclosure agreement that covers the protection of trade secrets, confidential information, and intellectual property for a two large SaaS technology companies working in ERP software development." 

4. Product: Specify the type and format of the output you expect from the AI system. 

Example: "Please provide the draft agreement in a Word document format, following the standard structure and sections typically found in non-disclosure agreements." 

5. Polish: Elaborate, refine, and verify the output through an iterative conversation with the AI system. This step allows you to provide feedback, ask follow-up questions, or request modifications to the initial output. 

Example: "The draft agreement looks good, but can you please add a section addressing the return or destruction of confidential materials upon termination of the agreement?" 


Real-world examples and use cases 

To further illustrate the power of effective prompting, let's explore some real-world examples and use cases relevant to the UK legal system: 

1. Drafting a lease agreement: 

Prompt: "I need to draft a commercial lease agreement for a retail space in London, England. The landlord is a large property management company, and the tenant is a small business owner selling food and drink. Please include standard clauses such as rent, security deposit, term, permitted use, and maintenance responsibilities. Provide the draft in a Word document format." 

2. Analysing a non-compete agreement: 

Prompt: "I have a non-compete agreement from a potential employer. Can you please analyse the key provisions, such as the geographic scope, duration, and any potential limitations or risks under English law? Highlight any areas of concern or ambiguity." 

3. Researching case law: 

Prompt: "I need to find relevant case law on the interpretation of force majeure clauses in commercial contracts under English law. Please provide a summary of the key cases and their holdings." 

4. Summarising a contract: 

Prompt: "I have a 50-page software licensing agreement that I need to review. Can you please provide a concise summary of the key terms, including the scope of the licence, fees, termination provisions, and any notable limitations or exclusions under English law?" 

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Benefits of Lexis+ AI for legal professionals 

Lexis+ AI, powered by ³ÉÈËÓ°Òô, offers a range of benefits that can significantly enhance the efficiency and accuracy of legal workflows. By leveraging advanced natural language processing and machine learning capabilities, Lexis+ AI can assist legal professionals in various tasks, including: 

1. Legal research: Conduct comprehensive legal research by querying Lexis+ AI with specific prompts, allowing you to quickly find relevant cases, statutes, and legal authorities under all jurisdictions of UK law. 

2. Document drafting: Generate high-quality drafts of legal documents, such as contracts, agreements, and pleadings, by providing clear prompts and instructions to Lexis+ AI. 

3. Contract analysis: Analyse and compare contracts by prompting Lexis+ AI to identify key provisions, potential risks, and areas of concern, saving valuable time and effort. 

4. Legal advice: Seek legal advice or opinions from Lexis+ AI by framing prompts that accurately represent your legal queries or scenarios under English law. 

5. Summarisation: Prompt Lexis+ AI to summarise lengthy legal documents, cases, or contracts, allowing you to quickly grasp the key points and save time. 

By mastering the art of prompting, legal professionals in the UK can unlock the full potential of Lexis+ AI and streamline their workflows, freeing up time and resources to focus on higher-value tasks and strategic decision-making. 


In the rapidly evolving legal landscape, the integration of generative AI tools like Lexis+ AI presents a significant opportunity for law firms and in-house legal teams in the UK to enhance their efficiency and productivity. However, to fully harness the power of these tools, it is crucial to master the art of crafting effective prompts. By following the 5P's framework and incorporating practical examples and use cases relevant to the UK legal system, legal professionals can unlock the full potential of Lexis+ AI and stay ahead of the curve in an increasingly competitive and technology-driven legal environment. 

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About the author:

Matthew is Head of Brand, PR and Content Marketing at ³ÉÈËÓ°Òô. He has experience leading the PR and brand strategies for several global and corporate companies. Matthew has led high-profile sponsorship and brand strategy campaigns, including the British Gas’ sponsorship of British Swimming during the London 2012 Olympics. As a brand marketer, he has regularly secured front page coverage on national publications including the Times, Telegraph and the BBC. He has a Bachelor’s Degree from Durham University, a Professional Diploma in Marketing (CIM), a Fellowship of the Institute of Data and Marketing and is a Non-Executive Director of the European Sponsorship Association.Â