Legal books and the Rule of Law: Blowing off the dust and blowing out the candles

Legal books and the Rule of Law: Blowing off the dust and blowing out the candles

Piling up in the corner of many legal firms around the country are piles of thick and dusty legal books.  If books had mouths – the stories they could tell.  Putting criminals in prison, correcting unjust settlements, guiding the mergers and acquisitions of companies.  These books have been invaluable to many.

A toast to the future

On Thursday, 25 November 2021 we celebrated these books and raised a glass - not to their glorious past, but to the future benefits they will bring. 

The International Law Book Facility (ILBF) breathes new life into legal textbooks that are forgotten and unwanted by the UK legal community.  They give these vital sources of the law to not-for-profit organisations around the globe.  This wonderful organisation celebrated its 15th anniversary, and it was a moment worth savouring.

The legal dream

The ILBF’s founder and patron, the Rt Hon. the Lord Thomas of Cwmgiedd joined with the Rt Hon. the Lord Burnett of Maldon and Professor Richard Susskind OBE in evangelising about the role of technology in improving access to justice and creating a more inclusive and just future.  They painted a thrilling picture that saw the legal sector transformed by artificial intelligence and a legal profession and judiciary that reflects the society it serves.  However – they all emphasised and underscored the vital importance, accessibility and significance of books to the law. 

The pen is mightier…

Marking this significant anniversary, the ILBF launched a student essay competition.  Essays are invited on the topic:

Looking back from 2030, what should we do now to transform the legal profession (including by the use of machine learning technology) to ensure access to justice for all and that the profession is as diverse as the communities and businesses it serves?

The competition runs between 25 November 2021 and 28 February 2022.  For more information, the essay question and competition rules, see: . 

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