How small law firms can retain talent – without competing on salaries

How small law firms can retain talent – without competing on salaries

Small law firms like ours at can face challenges when it comes to retaining top talent. While offering competitive salaries is one way to attract and retain employees, it is not always the most effective strategy for small firms. Instead, creating training and development opportunities for employees can be a more sustainable approach to keeping top talent on board. We have also realised that we can retain talent by embracing diversity, equality, and inclusion in our recruitment policies and practices. By doing so, firms can create a more welcoming and supportive workplace culture, which can help to attract and retain top talent from diverse backgrounds.

The legal industry is highly competitive, and talented lawyers are in high demand. This means that firms of all sizes need to find ways to stand out and offer something unique to their employees. For small firms, this often means focusing on creating a supportive and engaging workplace culture that offers opportunities for professional growth. Here’s a breakdown of tactics we use to foster such a culture:

1) Mentorship programmes

One way that we create training and development opportunities is by offering mentorship programmes. Pairing newer employees with seasoned lawyers can be a valuable way for them to learn from experienced practitioners and gain a deeper understanding of the legal profession. Mentors can provide guidance, support, and feedback, helping new lawyers to develop their skills and confidence.

2) Continued education programmes

Another way to create training and development opportunities is by offering continual education programmes. Providing opportunities for lawyers to learn about new legal developments and to enhance their skills can be an effective way to keep them engaged and motivated. This can be done through in-house training sessions, external workshops and seminars, or online courses.


3) Present new challenges

It is also important for small law firms to provide opportunities for employees to take on new responsibilities and challenges. This can be done by offering opportunities for lawyers to work on high-profile cases, take on leadership roles, or participate in business development efforts. Allowing lawyers to take on new challenges can help them to develop their skills and grow in their careers.

4. Creating a positive workplace culture

Furthermore, small law firms can create a supportive workplace culture that values and recognises the contributions of its employees. This can be done by offering flexible work arrangements, providing opportunities for employees to participate in community service projects, or creating a positive and collaborative work environment.

5. Diversity and inclusion

Finally, we aim create a more diverse and inclusive workplace culture by actively recruiting candidates from a wide range of backgrounds and experiences. This can be done by posting job openings on a variety of job boards and websites, as well as by reaching out to local law schools and legal associations to connect with potential candidates. The firm can also ensure that its job postings and recruitment materials are inclusive and welcoming to candidates of all backgrounds.

Once employees are hired, it is important for us to provide a supportive and inclusive work environment. This can be done by offering diversity and inclusion training for all employees, creating employee resource groups that focus on diversity and inclusion, and implementing policies and practices that promote equity and fairness for all employees. The firm can also provide opportunities for employees from diverse backgrounds to take on leadership roles and participate in business development efforts.

In summary, small law firms can retain their talent by creating training and development opportunities that go beyond offering competitive salaries. Small law firms can offer mentorship programs, continuing education opportunities, new responsibilities and challenges, and a supportive workplace culture to keep its employees engaged and motivated. By investing in its employees, small law firms can attract and retain top talent, which can help the firm to achieve its long-term goals and serve its clients more effectively.

Furthermore, small law firms can retain their talent by embracing diversity, equality, and inclusion in their recruitment policies and practices. By doing so, the firm can create a more diverse and inclusive workplace, which can attract and retain top talent from a wide range of backgrounds and experiences, plus bring new perspectives and ideas to a firm. This can have a positive impact on the firm and its employees, leading to higher levels of employee engagement, job satisfaction, productivity, and innovation, which can benefit both the firm and its clients. 

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About the author:
 is a Director and Solicitor at . He is also a Social Mobility Ambassador for the Law Society and sits on their Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee. Shaheen also previously served as a Trustee to The Habeas Corpus Project, a non-profit organisation that provides pro-bono legal representation in challenging unlawful detention of individuals in the UK.