Canadian gold miners seek dual listing on AIM

Canadian gold miners seek dual listing on AIM

Amid a drought of new listings, on 30 June Canadian mining company AEX Gold Inc its intention to seek admission to trading on AIM. Founded in 2017, the company operates in South Greenland’s gold district and specialises in sourcing high-grade gold deposits.

In addition to floating on AIM, AEX plans to conduct a placing to raise £45 million, subject to approval from the TSX Venture Exchange, Toronto’s junior market where the company is already listed. The placing is only being made available to institutional investors, the proceeds of which will be used to fund the development and infrastructure required to revive a previously operating mine.

An admission document is anticipated on 24 July and admission expected to take place on 29 July. Market Tracker will follow this transaction as it develops. For more on this topic, see our IPO trend report, which analyses the last three years of data and looks at current and emerging trends in IPO activity.

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